Importance of Health Checkup

This patietn underwent a routine healthcheckup and during the CT Scan of the Brain a giant aneurysm was found. The patient never had any symptoms.

How to Get Into Shape

This video tells you about the importance of exercise and regular health checkups to stay healthy and stay fit. If the disease is managed early then the results are good.

Preventing Breast Cancer

Renowned Breast Specialist Dr Sumita Singh is talking about the prevention of breast cancer. What are the things which you can do yourself to prevent breast cancer.

Weight Loss Programme

If you want to lose weight without dieting then watch this video very carefully and note down the questions arising in your mind. Ask those questions from our weight loss experts.

Knee Pain Exercises

Learn the Exercises for relieving Knee Joint Pain from our experts. If you do these exercises regularly then you would be able to get rid of the knee joint pain and avoid surgery.

Treatment for Arthritic Knee

If the patients with arthritic knee get medical help at an early stage then our therapists will ensure that you would be able to avoid knee replacement surgery.

Rehab after ACL Surgery

In this video Dr Praveen Tittal one of the most renowned Sports Injury Arthroscopic Surgeon is talking about the role of Physiotherapy after ACL / PCL Surgery.

Role of Physiotherapy in Knee Surgery

Knee Replacement Surgeon Dr Debashish Chanda is talking about the role of Physiotherapy before and after any kind of knee surgery specially replacement surgery.

Weight Loss Training

Weight Loss can be achieved through eating raw diet and following it with regular exercises. Watch this video to perform these exercises on your own or with our trainers.


Dr Rajesh Choudhary

Dr Rajesh Choudhary

MD - Radiodiagnosis

Dr Sushil Saharan

Dr Sushil Saharan

MD - Radiodiagnosis

Dr Rajveer Singh

Dr Rajveer Singh

MD - Radiodiagnosis

Dr Sumita Singh

Dr Sumita Singh

MS - Ultrasonologist

Dr Shruti Sangwan

Dr Shruti Sangwan

MD - Radiodiagnosis

Dr Erica Singh

Dr Erica Singh

MD - Radiodiagnosis

Running or Brisk Walk

One of the most common question asked by my patients is whether to go for jogging or brisk walk. Please watch this video where I have tried to explain all the aspects of jogging and running depending upon various conditions and scenario.

IVF - Gives Hope

In this video Dr Balvin has explained about causes of infertility and how IVF has come as boon for such people. There are different reasons that lead to infertility so treatment depends upon the specific reason. Watch the vide to understand.

Simple ways to fight PCOD

PCOD is one of the most common problem in females. However, many people do not understand that this is a lifestyle disease and can be controlled and treated through certain lifestyle modifications and medicines. Watch the simple tips by Dr Balvin Kaur.
